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The Bridge Asset Management Project

The Bridge Asset Management Project (BAMP) was a project initiated by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport in 2015 to put in place solutions for Local Authorities to manage Regional and Local road network bridge and structure assets, culminating in the delivery of new Guidelines, an Android application and new training modules. 


The Guidelines

For convenience, users can also download the extracted tables below (contained in full document) should they wish to print them out to laminate and bring on Inspections

The Bridge Asset Management System for Regional and Local Roads sets out Guidelines for;

  • Identifying the location of structures and recording their dimensions through Bridge Inventory Surveys (BIS)

  • Assigning an initial rating (the Maintenance Rating) to the structure by carrying out a Maintenance Inspection (MI);

  • Assigning component Condition Ratings to individual structure elements (cCR’s) and an overall Condition Rating to the Structure by carrying out Engineering Inspections (EI)



Bridge Inventory Survey - BIS

  • Enable Local Authorities to compile a structures database relatively quickly

  • Create an inventory of bridges and culverts

  • Establish the existence of a structure

  • Location on Pavement Management System (PMS)

  • Map, type, materials, basic size, appearance

  • Photographs can be uploaded

Maintenance Inspections - MI

  • Users immediately carry out a maintenance inspection using the application

  • Inspection assigns a red, amber or green rating to the asset, under 6 headings

  • Completed before Engineering Inspection

Engineering Inspections - EI

  • BIS and MI Inspections to be completed first

  • Each element inspected and rated

  • Assigns a rating of 1-5 to each component (cCR)

  • Assigns an overall Condition Rating to the structure based on the cCR of the Structual Elements of the structure


Android Application

An Android application was developed to support the Guidelines and to speed up the process for Local Authorites in putting together an inventory of structures in their Administrative Areas avoiding the need to procure outside resources and complete inventories inspections with ease using in-house resources. 

The application is used to carry out a Bridge Inventory Survey, a Maintenance Inspection and an Engineering Inspection. The application can only be used by authorised users: credentials are supplied to those users by the Local Government Management Agency.


App Demos

App Demos

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